Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bird In A Cage Stencil

European Citizens' Initiative, closer

Although a year behind initial plans, the Regulation lays down rules for the European Citizens' Initiative just been approved by the Parliament and enter into force early 2012.
This initiative seeks to strengthen the democratic fabric of the European Union, stating that " a group of at least one million EU citizens who are nationals of a significant number of Member States may take the initiative inviting the Commission, within their powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters citizens consider that a legal act of the Union for the purposes of implementing the Treaties ".
procedures and conditions must be met, will be governed by Council Regulation that seeks to respond to the legal, administrative and organizational requirements for the implementation of the initiative. These are the main points that clarifies the regulation and will have to be considered for initiatives arising:
  • Number of Member States for which citizens must come . Finally must come from a quarter of Member States .
  • Minimum Member State signatures. The minimum number of signatures required in each Member State at the number of MEPs elected in each Member State multiplied by 750. It must give the Commission power to modify this annex so that it reflects any changes concerning the composition of Parliament. There will be a minimum number of signatures for each Member State, from 3,750 firms in Malta to the 74,250 in Germany (Spain 37 500). Moreover, the undersigned shall complete a declaration of support for this initiative.
  • Eligibility to support a citizens' initiative minimum age. The required to participate in elections in all Member States (18 in all MS, except in Austria it is 16 years).
  • Form and preparation of the Citizens 'Initiative : You must create a Citizens' Committee comprise at least seven people residents in at least seven Member States . This committee will represent the undersigned, will be their "contacts" or link between the European Union and citizens. Will be responsible for presenting and writing the Citizens' Initiative.
  • form to register the Citizens' Initiative: First Citizen Committee registered the proposal before the Commission, providing a page. update web where the sources of support and funding. The Commission will answer questions about the approval or disapproval of the proposal within 2 months of its submission. (They may only be rejected if the proposed initiatives were outside the remit of the Commission under the Treaties initiative or were contrary to the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof the European Union, according to art. 2 of the Treaty of the Union, or formal requirements in their presentation.) Once the Commission responded favorably to the proposal, will begin collecting signatures.
  • Requirements for the collection, verification and authenticity of the signatures: Statements of support can be collected on paper or electronically . The Commission shall establish and maintain open source software that incorporate technical and safety features needed for compliance Regulation. These programs will be available free of charge to the organizers.
  • Deadline for collection of signatures will : Upon acceptance of the proposal deadline for collecting signatures may not exceed 12 months.
  • Register proposed initiatives: To ensure consistency and transparency in relation to the proposed citizen initiatives, and to avoid collecting signatures supporting a proposal that does not meet the conditions laid down in This Regulation should be compulsory to register such initiatives on a website provided by the Commission before the necessary collection of statements of support from citizens. All proposals the conditions provided for in this Regulation shall be registered by the Commission .
You just need the Council's approval and approval. Thereafter, Member States will have a year to implement these standards and open channels for direct participation of citizens, that if nothing happens, will be operational in early 2012.

is also important to remember that our English Constitution contains a similar legislative initiative. Article 87.3 reads: " An organic law shall regulate the manner and the requirements of the popular initiative for the representation of bills. In any case, require at least 500,000 signatures accredited. There shall be no such initiative in matters within organic law, or international tax and as regards the prerogative of mercy. " You can also raise popular legislative initiatives at regional level (remember the recent Legislative Initiative ban on bullfighting in Catalonia, being the first to be carried out successfully in this region).
Since the advent of democracy in our country, the fifty developed nine initiatives have been carried out at the state level, and only one has been approved by the full , the corresponding to the Horizontal Property Act .

hope that the European Citizens' Initiative have better luck, encounter fewer obstacles than the English and with the participation of many more people here think current forms of communication and participation are major players, and soon we will see if the e-democracy coup can click to get the people and talk it over with a real unique voice, with cities willing to participate @ s and engage in social affairs, human rights, equality, education, justice ...

The full text of the Regulation can see him playing in the European Parliament Web Page: Text agreed.
Monitoring the European Citizens' Initiative:
Summary for the citizen Public consultation
initial proposal of Regulation (31/03/2010)

This blog will contribute to the dissemination of any initiative that we seem to defend the values \u200b\u200bthat underpin the European Union and follow-up.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Keg Places In Columbus Oh

Last night when I heard on the radio that the English airspace was paralyzed in 70%, I was reminded of those days I remember from my childhood home we heard on the radio movements that occurred during that 23F, 1981, coup. At that time my father was a councilor of the government team my city, and we had a soldier at the gate did not know exactly whose function it was, but it certainly gave me one of those images that we all keep in the retina. I did not understand that was all that was happening, we could not leave the house, my father went to work that day or the following. Then everything was normal and quiet worldwide! Lieutenant Colonel Tejero, somehow, I explained everything.
I heard the news last night when I could not believe I had the same feeling that this year, I thought, this is a state of alarm!. article 116.2 of the English Constitution our state as follows:
" The state of alarm is declared by the Government by decree agreed in Council of Ministers within fifteen days, informing the Congress of Deputies, which met immediately, and without whose consent no such term may be extended . The decree shall specify the territorial scope to extend the effects of statement. "

The state of alarm may be declared if there are any of the following serious alterations of normality:
  • Catastrophes, disasters and public calamities such as earthquakes, floods, urban and forest fires or major accidents .
  • health crises such as epidemics and severe pollution situations.
  • cessation of essential public services to the community , if not to ensure the provisions of the Constitution, and either of the other circumstances or situations referred to here.
  • shortage situations staples.
This situation can cause the modification of certain rights, the defense time to take control of the airports in Spain, as already occurred. Diversion civilian flights to military airports, but remember that the capacity of these airports is minimal and it would be impossible to move all flights from all English airports for them. The Colonels have moved into the towers of civilian air traffic controllers to take over, and under his orders, they should work the drivers have not supported the strike.

Photo of The Country
Such a situation should have their punishment, paralyze a country and affects not only the holidays of some passengers and lost a lot of money many companies dependent on air traffic, many people who by necessity, for work or for various reasons, have to move. You can stop the supply of many products that use the air environment, medical services, and situations that cause a real disruption of normal.

The effective and military intervention in the control of the situation should be reason enough to declare a state of alarm . First time in our country declares democracy. In addition, we will refund the actual role of our army, so often the public has seen as useless and ineffective, being, however the most valued in a CIS survey published in May 2009. According to the poll, the highest rated institution is the army, with an average score of 5.96, followed by the police with a 5.85 and, thirdly, the monarchy with a 5.54.
The effectiveness and military discipline will supply the lack of experience in a short period of time, and normalcy, thanks to our army will return to our airports, but the instrument we have and that gives us our Constitution is called a: a state of alarm and be declared or not, its effects are already being put in place last night.

Meanwhile, Spain is the owner in almost all newspapers Most Influential:

BBC: Spain flights Paralysed controller's strike over

LE MONDE: Traffic aérien quasi nul en Espagne

LE FIGARO: Greve of contrôleurs: Madrid décret l'estat d 'warning

I just hope the situation will normalize soon, and we do not have to get used to seeing the army patrol our streets, airports and cities ...

As I write this post, just declare a state of alarm in Spain, the first time since the establishment of Democracy: Decree published in the Official Gazette today: a state of alarm

12:10 pm: We are beginning to talk of a possible crime of sedition (civil law), however to be under orders military, perhaps we should talk about a possible crime of disobedience to military authority, established him in the Military Penal Code, with different consequences. They just lose their status as civilians and to be mobilized acquire the status of military personnel, according to Article 3 of RD that was just published in the BOE and declaring a state of alarm. E hey are subject to Penal Code Table top 102 Military which provides penalties of up to 6 years in prison for disobedience to military authority and job loss .

13:34 pm: As Machiavelli said it, the feeling is more effective than inspire a prince to his subjects is FEAR, drivers also fear surrender ...