Friday, March 25, 2011

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labor reform initiatives do not benefit women, expert says

labor reform proposals being discussed contain nothing towards greater inclusion of women in the labor market, José Carbonell said during the presentation of the book The construction of gender equality : welfare state and public policy, the co-authored.

In the publication, the authors José and Miguel Carbonell underscore the need to facilitate women entering the labor market, for which proposed creating a network of nurseries, extended school hours full-time, increase maternity leave and flexible hours, in such a way that there is a part-time.

stress that the inclusion of women in the labor market provides them with autonomy, which equals "automatically" unless domestic violence.

The text includes tables and statistics in order to compare the situation in Mexico with countries of the European Union and the Organization for Cooperation and Development.

Among the figures points out that in Mexico only 43 percent of working-age women do, while in the Nordic countries the ratio reaches 75.

Also, while in Mexico only 10 percent of the female population is employed part time, up to 60 percent of women in Nordic countries have that option.

The authors note that the traditional nuclear family model is exceeded, so that social protection faces new challenges as the needs of families where the burden falls on one parent.

Ricardo Bucio, chairman of the National to Prevent Discrimination, lamented that the recognition of the rights of certain segments of the population, including women, is not immediately translated into the possibility of exercising. The book is a joint publication of the UNAM and Conapred.
Ariane Diaz, La Jornada, March 25.


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