Friday, March 25, 2011

Waterpik Replace Floss?

751, they agree on media coverage of violence

Without relinquishing the right to question the effectiveness of the federal government against organized crime, 751 signed media Agreement for the coverage of the violence, which will prioritize the protection of journalists and the media, in its proper context and just measure, the problem of crime.

The signatories undertook to explain what is the size and the actual situation of the difficulties faced by some states and how it affects society.

also be ignored and discarded the information that criminal groups try to convey to the media for propaganda purposes.

The National Museum of Anthropology and History, more than 600 radio stations, 92 newspapers and 23 magazines recognized who are no strangers to the difficult situation being experienced by Mexico, which has challenged the state's ability to fight the groups that have made the terror the way it operates. This cross

also joined various social actors, universities and business organizations, who agreed that the guiding principles of this agreement will be respect for freedom of speech and press and editorial independence of each medium.

During the event, hosted by journalist Carlos Loret de Mola (Televisa) and Sergio Sarmiento (TV Azteca), were shown various videos on violence afflicting the country, same as in a span of thousand 460 days has left 34 000 612 deaths related to settling of scores between organized crime groups.

also heard the voices of security specialists, intellectuals, social activists and people who in one way or another have had to change their way of life, in fear of being confused or getting caught up in actions perpetrated organized crime.

"The challenge we face today in the media is to continue informing the society in a context of high risk. To achieve this, we need a strategy that allows reporters to continue their work and not let terror be canceling information spaces. Today, freedom of expression is threatened, " Loret and Sarmiento said.

The ten points of agreement for coverage of the violence were read and immediately signed by journalists Javier Alatorre (TV Azteca), Oscar Mario Beteta and Jose Cardenas (Formula group), Leonardo Curzio (Focus News), Jorge Fernández Menéndez and Pedro Ferriz of Con (Group Picture), Ciro Gómez Leyva (MILLENNIUM deputy editorial director), Joaquín López-Doriga (Televisa), Adriana Pérez Cañedo (Channel 11 National Polytechnic Institute), Carlos Puig (Grupo Prisa), Iñaki Manero (Group Acir) and Denise Maerker (Group Formula).

Later, members of Advisory Board Initiative Media Mexico, formed by the television, radio groups, newspapers, magazines and internet portals, they also signed between the owners of Group D. Francisco MILLENNIUM González A., and Multimedia, Jesus D. A. González, as well as editorial director of MILLENNIUM general, Carlos Marín.

- Keys

body will create
• To follow up the commitment, the media encourage the development of citizen monitoring body to carry out periodic reports on media attachment to the editorial of the agreement, which must be ready within 30 days.

• Among the points of agreement indicates that in the event any government action in combating organized crime fall into excesses, is outside the law or violate human rights must always be to record it.

Mexico • Ruben Mosso, Millennium, 25 March.


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