Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Colour Goes With Brown And White

Glory and honor to the Master

I can not help Santi Santamaria to place alongside the great artists of reference in my life, along with Friedrich Handel, Jane Austen or Sandro Botticelli, along with Cole Porter, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Mary Cassatt. Santi has been on the other side, a place that every day seems to me more beautiful and livable, imagining the great souls who go and leave us a little more vulnerable. Absences. Simplicity and grandeur. Lucid and courageous man, bright and desacomplejadas reflections. Santi has given me moments of happiness. In his Raco de Can Fabes family live some unforgettable moments, even before the house was "shattered" by Michelin. One such moment was, for example, my twenty-fifth birthday, the some anniversaries that happen father, who felt the same weakness that I for the work and personality of Santamaria.

In my family we have always tended to the culinary vision to the orthodoxy of the tradition, what fool. And Sam knew how to find magic in orthodoxy. Surprise in moderation, without losing sight of origins. Santi was well aware that not abuse of the palate.

Her kitchen was quickly and efficiently without the momentary pleasure than detract from the patience of a team of chefs who worked closely in the service of a perfectionist teacher, who in his youth designed buildings, and most wrote a wonderful, award-winning book " The kitchen naked." I was always in favor of the natural versus the chemical. The artificiality is the farthest conceivable art and what is more subtle and full, more casual and formal than the culinary art of happiness?

Although poorly endowed confess to the kitchen, I've never been outside the privilege of the great ecstasy of our time: seeing, smelling, tasting and well cooked food recall. The cook poet has left us. Singapore (instead of bittersweet memory for me) had dinner one last time. His heir is a big challenge and a privilege to go. Do not let visiting the restaurant SANTI at Marina Bay Sands if ever made landfall again in this Asian city-state.

Santi is the heritage of all, an example to follow. An entrepreneur, a magician of gastronomy. Santi leaves an extraordinary legacy. He Catalan cuisine in the world. Fins

semper, Mestre!

"Through poetry, Human Beings The Most Profound express Reasoning of Our beings. To experience the world, We Need to travel with Our minds open, free from baggage. As chefs, we ask ourselves If There's Such a thing as culinary poetry. We hope That together, we can find it. I want to delight the senses and awaken with a cuisine emotional memories of wisdom. "

Chef Santi Santamaria


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